"The Custom Thinker" is a collaberative offering of interesting, alternative (non-mainstream) perspectives on political, religious, and social topics.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Campaign Finance Reform Equals True Freedom!!!
Author: LA Williams
With all this talk of calming the political tones and stemming the tide of vitriolic political fervor in order to nurture a softer, kinder, more pleasant and less violent political climate, one of sound mind must ask the obvious question as to how exactly does America answer this call and promote lasting change?
We all share this silent fear that once the presidential race ramps up (summer 2011), all that we've learned, in the past few weeks, will be mostly forgotten and both sides will continue the practice of metaphorically assassinating their opponents. ....the big bucks will storm into each camp, lobbyist organizations will be ejaculating their poison onto the landscape, and we, the people will doze back into our proverbial slumber and digest the contents of this poisonous stew.
What exactly has American democracy morphed into? Our advanced and complex system of a republican form of government mixed with capitalist values has given birth to a creature that (mostly) doesn't resemble the child that our fore fathers conceived.
The problem: MONEY (and too much of it); the answer: CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM. Far too many companies, organizations and the like care more about the monetary game of politics and less about finding real solutions. The formula seems to be thrown way out of whack and doesn't seem to lead to a real solution. Scores and scores of lobbyist groups, ranging from environmental groups, health care groups, insurance groups, union groups, energy groups, second amendment groups, madison avenue groups, wall street groups, education groups, public safety groups, gay rights groups, media groups, deep sea diving groups, minority groups, and many more work year-round raising and contributing millions and millions of dollars to candidate(s) that will vote in favor of their selfish causes.
To make matters worse, the U.S. Supreme Court only added fuel to this brush fire in their recent 5-4 ruling (Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission) removing all monetary restrictions in donating funds to political candidates. Gone are the days of One Man, One Vote, a principle enunciated by the U.S. Supreme Court (1964) in Reynolds vs. Sims. In that case, the supreme court ruled that a state's apportionment plans for seats in both houses of a bicameral state legislature must allocate seats on a population basis so that the voting power of each voter be as equal as possible to that of any other voter.
How can one citizen's vote be equal to that of any other voter when the chips are stacked on the side of those with the biggest wallets. Mass media outlets prostitute themselves to whom ever has the most mullah. Meanwhile, the "huddled masses" are spoon-fed the propaganda that the wealthiest among us serves up.
A true, unadulterated level playing field is the only way for the American people to find and elect viable candidates free to truly serve the public. The main mantra of our society is the promotion of a system free from tyranny, yet the tyrannical arm of American lobbyist groups keeps us under its thumb of oppression. Let us level the playing field of ideals. Let us make true the constitutional promises of yesterday, today. Let us be unafraid to debate the issues with zero monetary influence from lobbyist. Let us not be afraid of a government of the people, by the people, and for all the everyday people of this great land. Let us be that great nation once and for all.
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