Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Rude Women, Ugh!

Is it me or is today's woman simply RUDE?!  It occurs to me that most of the young, attractive women of the 21th century are just plain rude.  They can be rude to their parents, men (young and old), older women, each other, and they will even thump their noses at the very system that has raised them to be this way. They blindly wander the land in a self absorbed, narcissistic stupor.


I've been squeezing my brain trying to figure out the exact year when common courtesy and decency among the female sex died.  If only H.G. Wells were here, then maybe rational men could teleport back to that date and make some changes.  At some point, in history, some unknown force must've bestowed upon womankind the irrational guiding principle that allows these illogical women to adopt a ME FIRST and ME ONLY spirit.

Men:  Have you ever, prior to entering a building, noticed a young woman approaching and decide to wait and hold the door open for her...only to have this ingrate waltz pass you without even acknowledging your presence?  Don't worry, I know the answer is yes.  In fact, I was in a long line outside a night club once when one of the young ladies (in the group ahead of me) dropped her ID without noticing.  I politely picked the ID from the ground and handed it to her....  This snatched the ID from my hand, looked at me with eyes of a serpent, and turned to her girlfriends saying, "can you believe he had the nerves to do that?"  It took every inch of discipline I could muster to not give this chick a piece of my mind.  I know that phrasing might sound a bit parochial, but I'm trying to keep this 

Is the rudeness of today's woman their own faults?  Yes and No.  NO because the world places skinny, good looking 20s something women on a fictious pedastal.  Our legal system (in the US) tends to sway the balance of justice in their direction.  Every commercial image of the perfect person tends to be some young great looking woman.  They can truly live the constitutional promise of innocent, until proven guilty.  I could go on and on and on.  YES because these women are not stupid people.  They are smart enough play men, older women, and the system every day.

My point is that maybe it's time the rest of us jilted citizens stand up for ourselves and fight back against this atrosity by pointing out the rude acts of these women the moment the occurance takes place.  Polite embarassment can be great medicine for a person....  My mom taught me

1 comment:

  1. lol i like this post. it was funny and true. :) a good combo LA. :)
