Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sarah Palin Can Beat President Obama?

A recent Associated Press article reports that former Alaskan Gov. and former Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin pronounces the She can beat President Obama in the 2012 Presidential election.  REALLY, Sarah??!! 

Since when does the most polarizing political figure, on the national landscape, ever actually win the general election for president.  According to an AP-GfK, the public views Sarah 46% favorably, 49% unfavorably, with 5% claiming to not know enough.  What, exactly, does the 46% favor?  Is it her inability to know whether or not Africa is a country or continent?  Is it her zero knowledge of any current supreme court cases?  Is it her lack of knowledge of pertinent U.S. foreign affairs?  Is it her inability to withstand the rigors of incumbency (i.e. quitting her post as Gov.)? Is it her ability to simply make-up new words?  Refudiation?   Exactly what is it?  Is it her cheerleader persona, or that she looks good in a skirt? 

Face it.  Her strategy is a telegraphic, sophomoric attempt to win support.  But, support for what?  Awww, perhaps support that can be parlayed into a multi-million reality television deal....or a book deal...or speaking engagement deal?

These are serious times, and we need serious folks and her 15 minutes are up.  I'm sure the republican party can do alot better than Ms. Palin.  If they don't make the necessary decision to put her in her place, the public will come 2012. 

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