Monday, November 22, 2010

Breaking News!!! Hit and Run... Mother and two Babies Run Over...

According to (St. Louis, MO), a mother and two infant children are currently in critical condition after being run down by an impatient driver.  The incident happened around 5:30pm, as the mother was crossing N. Kingshighway near Raymond.  Apparently, other motorist yielded for the young family to cross when an impatient moron said, "screw it, I'm going anyway," and ran through these innocent pedestrians.  They are currently being monitored at Barnes-Jewish Hospital.

RUSH, RUSH, RUSH!!!  You see it, I see, we all see it everyday.  Every one's in such a damn rush that many forgo all common decency in order to get where they are going or what they think they need. 

SLOW THE HELL DOWN!!!   You cannot tell me that your business can't wait long enough for a mom and her babies to cross the damn street.  Now, before you simply nod your head at this moron's criminal actions, check yourself.  Are you moving too damn fast to take caution?  Think about it and please be careful because you are driving a two-thousand pound bullet....

Now, to the real point....  the assailant sped off and got away, but was driving this car:

If you see it, call the police....

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